Potassium Rich Foods List

Here is a list of some potassium rich foods and their potassium content from the USDA National Nutrient Database:
Potassium Rich FoodsWeightMeasurePotassium Content
Raw, baby carrots101 medium24 mg
Raw Lettuce101 leaf19 mg
Raw Onions141 slice20 mg
Fresh Strawberries121 strawberry18 mg
Raw Garlic31 clove12 mg
Honey211 tablespoon11 mg
Raw Radishes4.51 radish10 mg
Raw Peppers101 ring18 mg
White Bread231 slice17 mg
Papayas3041 papaya781 mg
Lima Beans1881 cup955 mg
Plantains1791 medium893 mg
Jerusalem Artichokes1501 cup644 mg
Bananas1181 banana422 mg
Oat Bran941 cup532 mg
Tomatoes2551 cup528 mg
Cucumber3011 large442 mg
Cantaloupe1601 cup427 mg
Pears2751 pear333 mg
Mangoes2071 mango323 mg

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